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Karla G. Piacentini is an International Education Specialist and Development Advisor dedicated to advocating for quality educational opportunities among underserved populations, while encouraging community development and advancement in domestic and global environments. 


Growing up in a bicultural household, Karla has had the opportunity to experience both Mexican and American customs and culture from an early age. She has since studied, worked, volunteered, and traveled in 13 countries around the globe. 


During her undergraduate degree, Karla studied abroad at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara and later taught abroad through Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) in the rural southern province of Jeollanam-do, South Korea. Her duties at Byeollyang Elementary School included: teaching English in after-school classes, forming professional partnerships with local Korean university TaLK Scholars to promote a greater exposure and understanding of English methodology to K-6 students, and participating in school events and extracurricular cultural activities. Shortly after fulfilling her contract, she returned to finish her Spanish and Bilingual Education degree at California State University, Sacramento. 


Following graduation, Karla joined the US Peace Corps and served as an English as a Second Language teacher and Public Health volunteer in the Republic of the Philippines. During her service from 2012-2014, she taught specialized reading strategies and techniques to encourage and support English literacy and comprehension among local students; managed a youth-led community health program designed to equip adolescents with leadership and organizational skills; and facilitated various informational symposiums discussing HIV/AIDS to local university students. 


Thanks to Karla's experience in the field of international education and global development, she is committed to the importance of accessible education, girls' rights in developing nations, and equitable employment opportunities in underrepresented communities both domestically and internationally. 


To find out more about Karla, you can navigate through the following tabs at the top of the page to discover more about her experiences in the field. 



Please feel free to contact me regarding any of subjects discussed on this site. Hope to hear from you soon! 

5460 Pierce St,

Monterey, CA 93940


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